photos 0003: The SeeBeast! The easiest way to explain about the bicycle I will be riding on this trip is simply to show you a video... I will be riding an [HP Velotechnik Streetmachine GTE ( ) Recumbent Bicycle. Supplied by a good friend, Jason Elliot Harris at
photos 0002: A brief history of bikes... My previous tour was done on an HP Velotechnik Scorpion FX touring tricycle. Why? Well, I have always been a keen mountain bike rider and spent many years riding the local trails around Leeds and other parts of the United Kingdom, but at some point I got bored of starting
photos 0001: Where to begin For those wanting a brief history of my previous adventures, you could start by looking at my journey from Madrid to the UK which I completed in July 2011. The crazyguyonabike [] website is a resource and collections of journals written by the internet enabled touring cycling